What Our Clients Say

I am writing this reference for Kerilyn Blanchard, who has been a valuable help to me in my Real estate endeavors.

With a modest amount of Real estate property, I was facing challenges with dealing directly with the Bank. However, Kerilyn stepped in and became a lifeline in navigating through these difficulties.

One major issue I faced was the Bank's reluctance to release any properties, as they were all linked together. Kerliyns expertise and knowledge in the field enabled her to come up with effective solutions that led to the successful release of the properties. As a result, I now proudly own Five properties and have Four left linked under a mortgage.

Which has significantly improved my financial position.

What sets Kerilyn apart is her dedication and commitment to her clients.

She was always readily available to take my calls and answer my queries regardless of the day and time.

Her manner was constantly positive & calm, which helped alleviate any stress or concern I had through the process.

Kerliyn’s intelligence and astuteness as a broker were evident in the strategies she implemented to overcome.

Thanks to Kerliyn's guidance and expertise I am now in a positive financial position.

I have complete trust in her abilities and would highly recommend her services to anyone in need of assistance with their real estate endeavors. Her professionalism, knowledge, and positive attitude make her an outstanding broker.

- Angela Weir

Just writing this to let people know the good service I received from Kerilyn.

I went to her with financial problems two years ago with a massive tax debt.

After going to big banks no one would help me.

I got on to Best Choice Finance after a referral from a tax accountant who said my only options were to sell my house or to let Kerilyn work her magic.

After my first consultation I walked away feeling relieved after knowing that someone understood my situation and offered me hope.

During the refinancing process she kept me informed of every piece of information. Never let me feel like I was never going to get there.

Two years later I am now financially free and would never have been in this position without her help and guidance.

My kids and I still refer to her as the lady who saved the house.

- L Power

It is with great pleasure that we write this testimonial

We met Kerilyn almost 19 years ago through a referral from our Insurance Adviser. At the time we still had 27 years to go on our mortgage and as we didn’t have anywhere near that many years to go until retirement, our major concern was how we were going to pay off our house before we retired.

We were self employed in our house painting Business, which did bring us in quite a reasonable income but we didn’t have a clue how to pay off the Mortgage.

Kerilyn sat with us and did a very thorough budget and showed us some debt reduction strategies that opened our eyes to a new way of handling our money. Because we had been so bad with managing our finances we decided to opt into Kerilyn’s one year holding our hand and keeping us accountable strategy and boy are we glad we did.

We restructured our Mortgage into a different facility and stuck to our budget which actually wasn’t even hard. We had date nights and holidays included which were things we had never done before. Not only did our financial situation improve but also our relationship. Financial stress became a thing of the past and we communicated and worked together better than ever.

Our Mortgage was cleared in a few short years and we went on to build a nice portfolio of several investment properties that provide us with a healthy income in our retirement. I often look back and consider where we might have been today if we hadn’t met Kerilyn. She genuinely cared about us and helped us every step of the way. Mind you she didn’t take any nonsense either and was straight up if we started being slack.

We will be forever grateful to her and how she changed our lives.

With our Deepest Gratitude

- Glenn & Di Anderson

I have known Kerilyn for many years, I have been greatly helped and assisted in the purchase of houses and land, with her expert knowledge of finance.

I have found Kerilyn always went the ‘extra mile’ to obtain a loan, giving me peace of mind, as I know in some cases I purchased prior to an actual sale of a property.

Always professional. In her approach and always looked at all aspects of finance to help me achieve the result. I was kept informed at all times as to the progress, which helps greatly as it an be an emotional ride when purchasing ‘your dream’

It gives me great pleasure to be able to recommend Kerilyn to all future clients. You will never be disappointed.

- Lynne Mcqueen

I first met Kerilyn in 2001 and at the time I was developing properties and had a private Banker with one of the major banks.

Kerilyn is very conscientious and looks at all aspects of a situation when she is obtaining finance.

She follows up better than anyone I’ve ever dealt with in finance and always does what she says she will do.

I no longer develop properties however I do have a substantial property portfolio which Kerilyn reviewed 2 years ago and restructured saving me a considerable amount on my loan repayments.

If you’re thinking about refinancing I would highly recommend speaking with Kerilyn before you do so.

- Julian Rajah

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